SEO Mistakes Made With Content Marketing

With so much competition online, businesses need to be on top of their game.  If you don’t have your content marketing strategy perfected for your brand, you may be missing out. Here are some of the numerous SEO mistakes website owners make and how they can be fixed.

SEO Mistakes

Dead pages and broken links are SEO mistakes that are made quite frequently. Your website should be looked over on a regular basis to ensure that there are not any broken links. Any dead pages should be removed and de-indexed as well. Your visitors may have a negative experience with your website if there are broken links, as it can be rather frustrating. Your Google ranking can also be impacted by dead pages and broken links.

Part of your content marketing plan should be to find keywords that are relevant to your brand and write content around them. Too many website owners will do the reverse. Think about the issues your visitors may be facing and develop your plan around that. By integrating a content marketing plan, you will allow potential clients to learn more about your brand.

Slow-loading pages are a huge no-no when it comes to having a website. This SEO mistake can cost you several potential clients, as most people will click out of the window to go to a competitor if they have to wait too long. But this is simple to fix. If you have images on your website that are too large, it will affect your loading time. Various design sites can help by providing ways to save for the web and decreasing the site size.

One common misconception about having a website is that content should be created first, and then everything else, including SEO,  will fall into place. Once again, the reverse is true. You need to do your SEO research first to see what your customers want. Once you have found this, you can then work on content creation.

User experience is important, so it is important to concentrate on this. Your website’s rankings will be lower than what you expect or desire because of this. You must be certain that you have optimized the site correctly to have the best possible results.

Let’s talk about keywords or phrases for a moment. While you certainly want to use your keywords in the content on your site, it is important not to overuse them. This is known as keyword stuffing. Many times, the content does not even make sense when keywords are stuffed into sentences just for the sake of SEO. Content should flow naturally, like you are speaking to someone. For a page that has 1,000 words of content, your keyword should only make an appearance 3 times. Being creative with words that are similar to your keywords can help you not overuse them. An example would be if you have a dog website, instead of a dog, you could use puppy, pup, canine, or doggy.

Internal linking is an SEO tactic that works wonderfully. But if you link poorly, you will surely be penalized. Link pieces of content that go together, as Google will be looking to see what pages on your site are more important than others.

A website can not afford SEO mistakes in its content marketing strategy. A good SEO company, such as Affordable SEO Company Tampa in Tampa, FL, can help you identify the errors you are making so your website stands out from the competition.

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